Missing You: Meadow, Beach and Highway

Claudio Pozzani

translated by Suzanne Branciforte

Leaning on a vertical meadow

I'm waiting for a butterfly to take me high

There is a building with a harelip

and balconies wounded by geraniums

I have kneaded hearts and blades of grass

and found a nest of whisks

—and in a little while the wind will speak to me of you

I found a secret passageway

inside the pockets of my pants

Deserted beaches and turquoise coves

and tufts of lit candelabras

Your body swallowed by the sand

your eyes become tadpoles

—and now the sea belongs to you

Your back a hot hypotenuse

leads to the service area

My arm a straight beltway

that brushes against your overpasses

I am closed up in an olive with wheels

and I breathe in fake aromas of a forest

—I am not yet able to get along without you

Tua Assenza: Prato, Spiaggia e Autostrada

Appoggiato ad un prato verticale

aspetto una farfalla che mi porti in su

C'è un palazzo col labbro leporino

con i balconi feriti dai gerani

Ho impastato cuori e fili d'erba

ho trovato un nido di frullini

—fra poco il vento mi parlerà di te

Ho trovato un passaggio segreto

dentro le tasche dei miei calzoni

Spiagge deserte e scogli turchesi

e ciuffi di candelabri accesi

Il tuo corpo inghiottito dalla sabbia

i tuoi occhi diventano girini

—adesso il mare appartiene a te

La tua schiena è una calda ipotenusa

che porta ad un'area di servizio

Il mio braccio una netta tangenziale

che sfiora i tuoi cavalcavia

Son rinchiuso in un'oliva con le ruote

e respiro finti aromi di foresta

—non riesco ancora a far senza di te

CLAUDIO POZZANI was born in 1961 in Genoa (Italy). Poet, narrator and musician, his poems have been translated and published into more than 10 languages. He performs in international literary and poetry festivals. In 1995 Pozzani created the Genoa International Poetry Festival, Parole spalancate, the oldest and biggest poetry event in Italy, of which he is still the director. His latest works are the CD/book (poetry and music) La Marcia dell’ombra, and the anthology Spalancati spazi - Poesie 1995 (Passigli editori). In 2023, he published the novels Kate et moi (La rumeur libre, France) and Confessioni di un misantropo (La Nave di Teseo, Italy).


An extract from ‘The Conversation’

