An extract from ‘The Conversation’

Jo Burns & Emily Cooper

MTW: Marie-Thérèse Walter (13 July 1909 – 20 October 1977) was the French lover and model of Pablo Picasso from 1927 to about 1935. Their relationship began when she was seventeen years old; he was forty-five and still living with his first wife, Olga. It ended when Picasso began his next relationship with the artist Dora Maar. In 1977, Marie-Thérèse committed suicide, four years after Picasso’s death. (Voiced by Jo Burns)

DM: Henriette Theodora Markovitch (22 November 1907 – 16 July 1997), known as Dora Maar, was a renowned surrealist French photographer, painter and poet. Dora and Picasso were together for nine years until Picasso began a relationship with Françoise Gilot. Dora continued painting and photography until she died at eighty-nine years old. (Voiced by Emily Cooper)

Sketch of a Mistress


Dora, it’s not easy to be wrenched away.

I wonder if you happily cultivated

your image, as a renowned

stealer of rings, your shiny conquests.

Did you relish the scandal?

I’m no judge, I hardly did any different

so what is it that gives the impression

that you aren’t averse to side-shows

or even the label homewrecker?

I became accustomed to that insult once,

from Olga. I learnt that three are a tiding,

a charm, and a gulp. I weighed whens, not whys

in my beak and, for a while became expert

in dark arts. I learnt to mimic the ways

of a thief, his tricks-in-flight, his evening habits.

And I wonder if, on overcast nights,

your nape also plumes, aching for dawn,

or your scapulars for an honest man.

Having been wrenched away, to be painted

as someone you’re not, is to understand

you were only a decoy from the very start.

Sometimes I imagine you scavenging

illusions of grandeur, fed wriggling lie by lie

to keep you in his wicker cage until you find


that glimmer has no bones to pick on.

Double Exposure



It is important to face yourself face on

Do not shy away from your own reflection

Perhaps if you took the time to wrestle

With yourself. Heels of your palms hard

Against the splintered wood of the studio floor

Scraping up the monochrome oils

With your pointing finger. Because each

Of your fingers is a pointing finger when

You make a fist. Contrast yourself

Against yourself. Paint the background first

Allow the image to reveal itself. You don’t

Have to try quite so hard. Capture it

The moment it has happened. Too late

Development is inevitable in this light

Fist-Fight in Front of Guernica


Dora, what hurt me was not your fists

or even him in your clutch.

It was his passivity as we hissed

at each other. He’d told me before

about Guernica; how it was for me,

the extent of his love. I’d accepted his use

of my blood, but still...

A woman knows when something is up.

The one in his new work was elegant, sharp,

sleek and dark. And here you were, claiming

it all. I asked him Pablo, which one of us leaves?

and he weighed me, gentle, against you, smart.

Dora, you know he refused to decide;

not truly yours but no longer mine.

We grappled, writhed. But what’s a few bruises

compared to being drawn as you die slowly?

More painful than those new sketches of me;

increasingly ugly, pastelled and blurred,

was my victimhood, portrayed by him

contrasted with glamour and monochrome.

And then the smirk as you and I bled;

The choicest experience of my life, he said.

Dora, can you imagine yet how it feels

to see through art how undesired you are?

A Ring with a Spike Inside


On balance there was and is no harmony

Things observed are never owned

The light that touched the canvas

Left again, there are no scuff marks

On the floor

I cleaned my nails of you

We were collected

You and I

Projected onto white emulsion walls

It is a job in itself shaking loose

I consider writing you a letter

Instead I send him a rusty spade

I have furrowed deep enough inside

Your head, I will always be the other

JO BURNS was born in County Derry and now lives in Germany. The author of Circling for Gods (Eyewear Publishing), White Horses and Brink (both Turas Press), Jo has won the Magma Poetry Competition, the Irish Writers’ Festival Shirley McClure Prize, the Wild Word New Irish Writing in Germany Award, The Listowel Poetry Prize and The Poetry Society UK Hamish Canham Poetry Prize. Her collaborative collection titled The Conversation, written together with Emily Cooper and published by Doire Press, was published in April 2024.

EMILY COOPER is a poet and writer based in Donegal. Her poetry and prose has been published in The Stinging Fly, Banshee, Winter Papers and The London Magazine, among others. A 2019 recipient of the Arts Council Next Generation Award, Emily’s poetry debut, Glass, was published by Makina Books in 2021. In April 2024, The Conversation, written in collaboration with Jo Burns, was published by Doire Press. She is also co-founder and an editor for The Pig’s Back literary journal.




Missing You: Meadow, Beach and Highway