The Marrow will be open for submissions throughout July 2024 for Issue Two, which will be published in October 2024.

What we’re looking for…

We welcome poetry submissions written in, or translated into, English, from Australian and international poets, whether established, emerging or somewhere in between. We’re looking for accessible writing with close attention to craft and language. We appreciate innovation, whether a twist on the traditional or something more radical. We welcome diversity of style, form and subject. We are more interested in the poem, and what it changes in the reader, than in the poet. Send us your best work—free verse or pantoum, sonnet or prose poem, sestina or haibun, or your own unique creation.

Submission guidelines

  • We accept submissions during March (for the June issue), July (for the October issue) and November (for the February issue) via our submissions form only, which will be available on this page throughout the submission window. Submissions sent via email or outside the submission window will not be read. 

  • Please send one submission of up to four unpublished* poems as one attachment. Word doc preferred, or pdf if the form is complicated.

  • *Unpublished, in this instance, means work which has not previously appeared online (text or audio) or in print for a public audience (including writers’ websites, blogs or social media pages). Poems may have appeared in private workshops / writing groups or have been read at live events and open mics, provided the recordings are not available publicly.

  • Each poem should start on a new page. Poems can be any length, but please do not send more than four pages in total.

  • Poems should be single-spaced, 12-point font unless the form calls for variations.

  • Please include your name as it will appear with the poem, your email address, and a short bio (up to 50 words) in your submission form.

  • Translations must have permission from the original author (or their estate).

  • We welcome simultaneous submissions, but ask that you let us know immediately via email if your work has been accepted elsewhere.

  • At The Marrow we believe in paying authors and offer to pay AU$40 per acceptance. 

  • We will email all poets who submitted work regarding acceptances, but cannot offer feedback on unsuccessful submissions. We appreciate that waiting can be tedious and we will respond within 8 weeks of the closing date, often much sooner. 

  • If you have a poem published in The Marrow, please do not submit again for 6 months following publication of your work.

  • We do not currently accept prose, flash or micro-fiction, essays or reviews. 

  • Submitted work must be the original work of the author.

  • We do not accept work written  (fully or partially) by AI.

  • Copyright remains with the original author at all times.